
  1. When you look at The Hong Kong Neurological Society (HKNS) website, our service provider makes a record of your visit. This shows your Domain Name Server address and the pages you have visited. The service provider only discloses to us aggregate information about the number and types of visitors. This information will be used for preparing statistics.
  2. The personal information you have provided to HKNS will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for purpose of communication on news of HKNS.
  3. You can express your opinions through the email of HKNS website. We will try our best to read and reply all the requests. The opinions of the users will be kept for the improvement of the website and the personal information will not be disclosed to third party without prior consent of the user.
  4. According to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and amend the personal information. Please contact if necessary.
  5. Should there is any enquiries about the privacy matters, please contact the HKNS at